Tomasa Martin

Tomasa Martin, she is an artist based in Barcelona, España. His work is a silent and poetic art expressed through images that create atmospheres capable of expressing feelings and emotions. My work revolves around the human being. Every year, spring comes, and to me, it does not cease to amaze me. The same thing happens to me with the human being. Your feelings, the expression of emotions, etc. They are like an inexhaustible source of inspiration. All this leads me to investigate, to go into their emotions. I would say that my purpose is to show the emotional side more than the simple image of a portrait. Normally, I use acrylics and oil simultaneously, which allow me to play with the execution times of the work, and as a support, I prefer the linen or the wood.

Sometimes I wonder what the reasons are that lead me to dedicate my life to painting and I always arrive at the same conclusion. I do it because I need it. Painting has become a tool that lets me explain stories and express everything that makes me excited, depressed, annoyed and all the other emotions that make who I am. Using a minimalistic scenario I try to make a connection with the spectator. This is something that I always strive to achieve. Exhibitions from 1990 in Europe, USA and Asia. Work of intimist character and minimalist construction. Inspired by details daily and motivated by the events around the world.